Music Therapy Advocacy Graphics (#MTAdvocacy)

The profession of music therapy holds #MTAdvocacy Month via social media for the entire month of January every year. Music therapists from all over the United States reflect on a topic set forth by the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) and the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT).

In honor of advocating for music therapy, I’ve created social media graphics that you can use on your favorite social media platforms to PROCLAIM your love for the amazing field of music therapy — not just for #MTAdvocacy month, but BEYOND.

There are graphics available for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. You can also download them ALL in one easy ZIP file. Enter your name + email address below to get the ZIP file sent to your email.

FACEBOOK COVER PHOTOS (820 x 312 pixels)

Right-click, choose ‘save image as’ to download, then upload the image to Facebook. Tutorials on how to change your cover photo found here: personal cover photo or page cover photo.

TWITTER HEADER PHOTOS (1500 x 500 pixels)

Right-click, choose ‘save image as’ to download, then upload the image to Twitter. Tutorial on how to change your header photo found here: customizing your profile.

INSTAGRAM PHOTOS (1080 x 1080 pixels)

Right-click, choose ‘save image as’ to download, then upload the image to Instagram.

You can download ALL of the graphics into one convenient ZIP file below.

I hope you enjoy and use these graphics!  Thanks for stopping by!


Creative Director,