What Should You Send in Your Newsletter?

In the previous blog post, I blogged about why you should have an email newsletter for your music therapy business. With a newsletter, you are able to be in your target audience’s inbox, giving them valuable information on how music therapy can help them. You have opportunities to inform, educate, and advocate with your email newsletter. That’s powerful stuff right there!

Next, you may be wondering what you should include in the actual email newsletter. I’m going to give you some general ideas so that it is easy for you to tailor your newsletter specifically to your audience.

First, your email newsletter should have exclusive information for your subscribers. As a way of saying ‘thank you for being on my email list,’ you may want to offer a discount code, host a giveaway, or offer a freebie to download. It can be as simple or as intricate as you want it to be.

You can also include these following ideas in your newsletter:

  • Your most recent blog posts
  • A newsletter-exclusive list of your favorite music resources, apps, websites
  • Information about your newest offering – a new music therapy group or a new product
  • An update on your personal life – new studio space, marriage/baby announcement, acceptance to grad school, article in the Journal of Music Therapy
  • Special events (don’t forget to include the details) happening for your music therapy business

After writing an amazing, value-packed newsletter, you want your subscribers to open your email right away. Focus on your subject lines. Check out this article from Hubspot on 19 ways you can improve your email subject lines.

Lastly, here is the million dollar question — how do you know if your newsletter is making an impact with your email subscribers? Check your open and click-thru rates in your email newsletter provider and see how your subscribers are interacting with your newsletter. Are they opening the newsletter? Are they clicking thru to look at your website? Which links are they clicking? You can gain a lot of insight from this simple data.

I truly hope this is helping you put together a strong newsletter for your target audience. Next week, I will cover how to get new email newsletter subscribers on your list.

And one more thing — let me know if you already have a newsletter! Leave a comment below, and I’ll make sure to personally sign up!


Creative Director, Serenade-Designs.com