I’m Julie.
I’m a music therapist and website designer.
Designing websites is my jam.
I get excited about creating a strong, engaging online presence and helping you grow your business. I’ve designed websites for over 20 years (before Google and YouTube were even a thing!!), and I’ve worked for individuals, small businesses, non-profits, and professional organizations. I create and design beautiful, functional, and user-friendly websites — all with an eye on strategy.
I love working with music therapists.
I enjoy working with amazing and creative music therapists who are dedicated, passionate, and enthusiastic about the field of music therapy. I’ve been a board-certified music therapist since 2003. I understand you and your career, because I am a music therapist, too.
I’m passionate and dedicated.
I love teaching that having a strong online presence is a requirement for business success. I teach online workshops, as well as in-person workshops, conferences, and CMTEs on a state, regional, and national level. Want to have me lead a workshop/session/CMTE? Contact me here.
Sharing my knowledge and connecting with music therapists…
My music therapy training & service:
- Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in music therapy from Western Michigan University
- Past job titles include: Clinical music therapist, grad assistant, clinical/intern supervisor, piano teacher, Kindermusik instructor, preschool music teacher, community manager, web designer, online strategist
- American Music Therapy Association (AMTA) – serve as Assembly Delegate
- Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapy Association (GLR-AMTA) — serve as website and communications coordinator
- Michigan Music Therapists (MMT) — served as website coordinator, vice president, president
- Frequent presenter at local, state, regional, and national levels