Online Marketing Strategies for Music Therapists (Upcoming CMTE!)
Hey music therapist, do you struggle with any of the following?
- You are unsure of what makes up current online marketing best practices
- You are uncertain who makes up your online audience and how your services help them
- You don’t really have a core marketing message — you just wing it
- You struggle with coming up with content for your online audience
- You don’t have enough time
- You are not organized
- You don’t have a current set marketing plan and strategy
Believe me, I’ve been here, and so have many of my marketing clients.
I’m ready to help you step out of your uncertainty and your struggles, and help you step into clarity, organization, and a plan for marketing your music therapy business.
Join me for Online Marketing Strategies for Music Therapists (a 5-credit CMTE course) at the 2020 Great Lakes Region of AMTA Music Therapy Conference in Schaumburg, Illinois on Thursday, March 5, 2020. Reserve your spot today — register for CMTE J!
- Online Marketing Strategies for Music Therapists will lead you through developing a unique core marketing message that speaks your ideal online audience. You will go beyond the catch-all definition of music therapy — no more jargon or hard-to-understand definitions that do not connect in your audience’s brain.
- You will complete exercises to help you identify your online audience and dive into how your services, offerings, and/or products can benefit them. Out of these exercises, you will begin to create your unique core marketing message.
- Incorporate your core marketing message into your current online presence — from your website, social media, blog posts, newsletters, and beyond.
- You will receive tips and techniques for saving time, organizing your digital assets, and eliminating frustration around your online presence.
- As you build your marketing strategy in this CMTE, you will also walk away with a 90 day marketing plan and strategy that can be implemented AFTER conference.
This CMTE aims to help you transform your online marketing and create more connections with your online audience.
Bring your laptop and a notebook/paper. Get ready to get hands-on with planning your own marketing strategy for the next 90 days.
Register for Online Marketing Strategies for Music Therapists (CMTE J) here!
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